Tuesday, October 8, 2013


Throughout our daily lives technology is more than drastically apparent. Our days are now spent tracking and recording our lives than we actually spend living them. Our phones are always by our sides and very few tasks aren’t somehow supplemented without some sort of “app”. 
As kids our generation was not so reliant on technology. Playing with actual toys instead of video game apps or having to rewind the vhs tape before watching it are all things kids of this generation are not going to experience half as much as we did if not at all. There is a separation between these two generations that will never be gapped, even my little sister who is only four years younger than me will not experience many of the traditions us “90’s kids” cherish.

Our generation experienced the gap between a semi digital and full digital world. I believe this will define us as a generation because we have experienced all the advancements in technology but are still able to relate back to a time when technology was not as prevalent. This allows us to view things in a subjective way and fully evaluate the need for all this technology. Personally I believe that technology is a great thing, especially at this school I believe lots of people would agree with that statement. But regardless of that fact I often finding myself wondering what life would be like if I never had a Facebook or the internet or a cell phone. Things would not be more difficult I would say but they would be drastically less accessible and less efficient. But who says that is a bad thing. I remember going to the library as a kid to do research for a school project. We would check out books to find facts, take notes and make posters. Now all you have to do is a quick google search and copy paste into a PowerPoint. I think that there is a lot of value in both of these methods. I still prefer to take hand written notes because the action of writing things down helps me remember them. 

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